Thursday, March 13, 2014

science exit questions

1.use H-R diagram and main sequence in the same sentence?

Stars on the main sequence form a band that runs across the H-R diagram.

2.Explain the process by witch new stars form?

New stars form from gas and ,witched are pulled into a sphere by gravity.

3.Arrange the fallowing stars in the order that reflects the life cycle of  a star:white,dwarf,red giant,and main sequence stars.

dwarf,red,main sequence star,giant
4.In the main sequence stars,how does brightness relate  to temperature?

the brightness is very similar to the temperature,the brightness relies on the  temperature.

5.Explain what happens when a massive star ends its life as a supernova?

Massive stars can explode in a large,bright flash called supernova.Their cores can change into neutron stars or black holes. a neutron star and pulsar.

If a neutron star is spinning,it is called a pulsar.

7.How can the center of a collapsed star form a black hole?

If the center of a collapsed star has a mass several times than the sun ,the star may contract further because of the strength of its gravity.The force of the contraction crushes the dense center of the stars and leaves a black hole. 

                                       Thanks Brianna:)

  • The brightness is very similar to the temperature, the brightness relies on the
  • The brightness is very similar to the temperature, the brightness relies on the
  • The brightness is very similar to the temperature, the brightness relies on the

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